1 Introductory provisions
1.1 V souladu s ustanovením §1751 odst.1 zák. č. 89/2012 Sb. (občanský zákoník) v platném znění vydává společnost Beast of the East. tyto obchodní podmínky, jež jsou nedílnou součástí kupní smlouvy uzavřené mezi Beast of the East se sídlem Jagellonská 2149/8, 130 00 Praha 3, IČO: 06879918, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze (dále jen “prodávající”) na straně jedné a “kupujícím” na straně druhé.
1.2 the Buyer is a natural or legal person, which concludes with the seller the contract of purchase through an online store located on the internet at www.beastoftheeast.cz (hereinafter referred to as “e-shop”).
1.3 the Buyer the conclusion of the purchase contract confirms that he is familiar with the full text of these terms and conditions, that means all its terms and that they fully agree.
1.4. the Seller is entitled at any time to change the text of these terms and conditions. The buyer is bound by the terms and conditions current at the time of conclusion of the purchase contract.
2 User account
2.1 On the basis of the registration of the buyer on the internet at the e-shop, the buyer may access the user interface (hereinafter “user account”), and to order goods. The buyer can also order goods without registration.
2.2 When you register and ordering goods, the buyer is obliged to provide all information truthfully and when any change in the registered data update. The data specified by the buyer in the user account and when ordering the goods are considered correct by the seller.
2.3 Access to the user account is secured by user name and password. The buyer is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access his user account.
2.4 the Buyer is not entitled to allow the use of the user account to third parties.
3 Conclusion of the purchase contract
3.1 Selecting goods from the seller's offer, and its subsequent ordering (through the completion of the order form) the buyer offered the seller a proposal for the conclusion of the purchase contract. The purchase contract between the seller and the buyer is concluded by the acceptance of this proposal, therefore, the confirmation of the order by the seller. The buyer may track the status of orders through the internet link that is sent via email at the time of the execution of the order. At the moment when the seller confirms the order, change order status from “pending” to “confirmed”. In the event that such confirmation by the seller does not occur, it is considered that the purchase contract has not been concluded.
3.2 the Order form contains a description of the goods, the price of the goods, the method and price of the goods transport and space to fill out the identification data of the buyer.
3.3 Identification data of the buyer shall, in particular, his name and surname (or business name and company registration number), address (or address of the registered office), contact phone number, email address and, where applicable the delivery address.
3.4. the Price of all goods offered on the e-shop of the seller is given including VAT and all fees with the sale of the related (with the exception of the transport prices, which is listed separately). The price of the goods is valid for the time of its publication in the seller's e-shop.
3.5 Fixed exchange rate currency CZK and EUR is the price of the goods across the board set to the value of 24:1.3.6 Condition of the validity of the order is the completion of all the formalities of the order form, including the consent to the wording of these terms and conditions.
3.7 Conclusion of the purchase contract the seller the obligation to deliver to the buyer the goods ordered and the buyer the obligation for such goods to the seller to pay the agreed price. The buyer acquires ownership of the goods upon payment of the full purchase price of the goods.
4 Payment and shipping
4.1 Methods of payment
Cenu zboží a případné náklady spojené s dodáním zboží dle kupní smlouvy může kupující uhradit prodávajícímu následujícími způsoby:
– platební kartou online prostřednictvím platební brány Stripe
– bankovním převodem na účet prodávajícího č.ú.: 670100-2218433334/6210 vedený u M-Bank. Jako variabilní symbol kupující uvede číslo objednávky. V případě, že částka odpovídající ceně zboží není připsána na účet prodávajícího do 3 dnů od zadání objednávky, objednávka je automaticky zrušena. Objednané zboží je vždy expedováno až po připsání odpovídající částky na účet prodávajícího.
– hotově v showroomu Beast of the East na adrese Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3. V případě, že kupující nevyzvedne zboží do 14 dní od obdržení potvrzení, že zboží je připraveno k vyzvednutí, objednávka je automaticky zrušena. Pokud není uvedeno jinak, případné slevy z ceny zboží poskytnuté prodávajícím kupujícímu nelze vzájemně kombinovat.
4.2 modes of transport
Together with the price of the goods is the buyer shall pay the seller the costs associated with the delivery of the goods. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the purchase price and the costs associated with the delivery of the goods.
Ways and transport prices are as follows:
– osobní vyzvednutí v obchodě Beast of the East na adrese Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3 (zdarma)
– delivery to private address (home delivery – ensures Zásilkovna HD) – CZECH republic: Czk 100; EU-member States: 240 Kč; non-EU Europe: 480 Kč; non-EU, America, Asia: 960 Czk
– delivery to the delivery location (pickup point – ensures Zásilkovna PP) – CZECH republic: Czk 60; Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Romania: 100 Czk
Zboží je zpravidla expedováno do 7 pracovních dnů po obdržení objednávky ( ode dne připsání platby na účet). Na území ČR a Slovenska bývá zboží doručeno zpravidla do 3 pracovních dnů po odeslání. Doprava do dalších zemí EU trvá 3–6 pracovních dní.
5 Refund and exchange of goods
5.1 V souladu s ustanovením § 1829 občanského zákoníku má kupující právo ve lhůtě 14 dnů od převzetí zboží odstoupit od kupní smlouvy (dále jen “vrátit zboží”) bez udání důvodu.5.2 Kupující osobně předá nebo odešle vracené zboží zpět prodávajícímu bez zbytečného odkladu na adresu Beast of the East, Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3 a ke zboží přiloží vyplněný a podepsaný formulář. Za datum odstoupení od smlouvy se považuje datum předání nebo odeslání zboží zpět prodávajícímu nebo oznámení odstoupení od smlouvy na emailovou adresu shop@beastoftheeast.cz.
5.3 the Seller returns to the buyer without undue delay, no later than within 14 days from the withdrawal from the contract, the funds received in the value of the price of the returned goods. The seller is not obliged to return the received funds to the buyer before the returned goods receive.
5.4 the Cost of returning the goods to the seller bears in full by the buyer.
5.5 In the event that the goods before returning the visibly worn, damaged or otherwise worn, the seller has the right to returned goods decline.5.6, the Seller is entitled to, to the time of receipt of the goods by the buyer to withdraw from the purchase contract in the event of circumstances preventing him a delivery of the ordered goods to the buyer.
6 Complaint
6.1 Rights and obligations of the contracting parties relating to the rights arising from defective performance (hereinafter referred to as “claims”) are regulated by the act no. 89/2012 Coll., in particular, the provisions of § 2099 – § 2112. Specifically is governed by the Complaint procedure.
6.2 Kupující osobně předá nebo odešle reklamované zboží zpět prodávajícímu bez zbytečného odkladu na adresu Beast of the East, Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3 a ke zboží přiloží vyplněný a podepsaný formulář. Za datum reklamace se považuje datum odeslání zboží zpět prodávajícímu nebo oznámení reklamace zboží na emailovou adresu shop@beastoftheeast.cz.
6.3 On the recognition of the claims of the goods and the method of removal of the defect shall be decided by the seller. For the removal of the defect shall be the repair of the goods, the supply of new goods without defects, supply the missing parts of the goods, a reasonable discount from the purchase price or a refund. The seller is obliged to ensure the assessment of the claim including the removal of defects in the case of its recognition within 30 days from the date of filing a claim the buyer. The seller shall inform the buyer of the result of the claim goods by phone or by email and agree with him on next steps.
6.4 In the event that the buyer will deliver the goods to the complaint not cleaned and hygienically unsatisfactory, the seller has the right to not accept.
6.5 the Costs associated with the claims of the goods borne in full by the buyer.
6.6 Kupující bere na vědomí, že vzhledem k delikátním vlastnostem použitých materiálů a jejich specifickým požadavkům na údržbu je při použití a údržbě zboží zapotřebí dodržovat pokyny spojené s údržbou uvedené na štítku nebo přiložených pokynech k údržbě
7 Protection of personal data (GDPR)
7.1 Protection of personal data of the buyer shall be ensured in accordance with the european regulation on the protection of personal data, or GDPR. Specific information, procedures and the rights of the buyer are itemized on a separate page devoted to the issue of the GDPR in connection with the site www.beastoftheeast.cz.
8 Závěrečná ustanovení
8.1 Veškeré vztahy těmito smluvními podmínkami neupravené se řídí příslušnými ustanoveními občanského zákoníku jakož i dalšími souvisejícími právními předpisy.
8.2 V případě, že jakékoliv ustanovení těchto obchodních podmínek bude shledáno nezákonným či neplatným, nebude tím dotčena platnost respektive účinnost ostatních ustanovení těchto obchodních podmínek.
8.3 Veškerá ujednání mezi prodávajícím a kupujícím obsažená v kupní smlouvě, mají přednost před ustanoveními těchto smluvních podmínek, se kterými jsou v rozporu.
8.4 Ustanovení obchodních podmínek jsou nedílnou součástí kupní smlouvy a kupující odesláním objednávky potvrzuje, že se s nimi seznámil a že s nimi souhlasí.
8.5 Kontaktní údaje prodávajícího: Alena Podzimková, Jagellonská 2149/8, 130 00 Praha 3 email: shop@beastoftheeast.cz, telefon: +420 776 859 968
V Praze dne 1. 8. 2021
Bc. Alena Jakubová, IČ: 06879918, se sídlem Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3, Česká republika (dále jen „Prodávající“), jakožto správce osobních údajů tímto informuje své zákazníky (fyzické osoby) jakožto tzv. subjekty údajů o způsobu a rozsahu zpracování osobních údajů ze strany Prodávajícího, včetně rozsahu práv subjektů údajů souvisejících se zpracováním jejich osobních údajů ze strany Prodávajícího.
1. The personal data processed by the Seller
The seller is processed in accordance with Regulation of the European parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27. April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing directive 95/46/EC (general regulation on the protection of personal data; hereinafter referred to as "Regulation") and further in accordance with the relevant national legislation in the field of personal data protection of personal data, which the Seller provides the Buyer (a natural person) as the data subject in connection with the purchase of goods or claims of the goods. The seller processes the following personal data of data subjects:
Name and surname
E-mail address
Phone number
Address of residence or delivery address
IP address
The data about the browser and device
The data relating to the underlying purchases (e. g. the type, the price of the goods, the purchase date, data on the status of the customer account)
The seller processes the following personal data only in accordance with the following purposes and to the extent and for the duration necessary for the fulfillment of these identified purposes.
2. Purpose and legal ground for the processing of personal data by the Seller
The processing of personal data is necessary for the purposes of the conclusion of the purchase contract and its subsequent implementation, the delivery of goods ordered and of the reasons for the implementation of the statutory tax obligations. In connection with the order, the Seller collects and processes personal data in the scope – name, surname, address of residence or delivery address, phone number, e-mail address. The communication of personal data is a fundamental prerequisite for the conclusion or amendment to the purchase agreement, whereby the provision of personal data serves in particular to a clear and unmistakable identification of the buyer and its contacting you for the purpose of delivery of the ordered goods. In connection with the processing of complaints processes the Seller's personal data for reasons of performance of contractual and statutory obligations of the Seller and for the purposes of its legitimate interests in case of a possible occurrence of a dispute of the claim. When dealing with complaints, the Seller collects and processes personal data in the scope – name, surname, address of residence or delivery address, phone number, e-mail address, transaction history orders.
3. The period of processing of personal data
The seller processes personal data in the event of purchase of goods in the e-shop for the implementation of the contractual relationship, for the period necessary to ensure mutual rights and obligations arising from the contract and for a period of 2 years from the date of expiry of the warranty period for the goods, for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the Seller (see above). Exposed tax documents are in accordance with section 35 of act no. 235/2004 Coll., the value added tax, as amended archived for a period of 10 years from their issue. Because of the need to document the legal ground for the issuance of tax documents, for a period of 10 years from the date of dispatch of the order by the customer archived and order.
4. Access to personal data
Personal data may be to ensure the above-described purposes next to the Seller and his employees processed also by the contracting partners of the Seller as the processor.
The seller may also be required to provide certain personal data to be transferred under applicable law, e.g. government authorities, courts, or law enforcement authorities.
5. Rights to the personal data processed by the Seller
In relation to personal data belonging to the data subject have the following rights:
The right of access to personal data – the right to request information whether certain personal data of the data subject by the Seller are processed and the right to access this personal data and to further information pursuant to art. 15 Regulation
The right to transfer data – the right to obtain personal data of the data subject and the right to transmit such data to another controller or to personal data have been transferred by the Seller directly to another controller, if technically feasible
The right to rectification – the right to request that the Seller without undue delay, corrected the inaccurate personal data of the data subject;
Right to restriction of processing – the right to request the Seller to restrict the processing of personal data, e.g. in the case of the exercise of the right to repair
The right to erasure – the right to request that the Seller of personal data without undue delay erased e.g. if the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, or has been revoked by the data subject's consent, on the basis of which personal data by the Seller processed and there is no other legal title for the processing; or if, from the Seller the personal data have been processed illegally); the Right to object – the right to request that the Seller stopped to process the personal data on the basis of the legitimate interest of the data subject
The right at any time withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, if the processing is based on consent
A right turn with a complaint to the Office for the protection of personal data.
6. Contact The Seller
V případě jakéhokoli dotazu ke zpracování osobních údajů či uplatnění výše uvedených práv je Kupující oprávněn kontaktovat Prodávající písemně na adrese Alena Jakubová, Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3, Česká republika nebo e-mailem na adrese shop@beastoftheeast.cz
7. Processing the data of customers on the basis of the consent for marketing and business purposes
V případě, že udělíte souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů pro marketingové a obchodní účely, budou Vaše osobní údaje zpracovávány v rozsahu – jméno, příjmení, e-mailová adresa, IP adresa, údaje získané ze souborů cookies, údaje týkající se uskutečněných nákupů, údaje o prohlížeči a zařízení a případně jiné online identifikátory, a to primárně za účelem vytvoření vhodné nabídky zboží a v souvislosti s oslovením zákazníka, a to prostřednictvím prostředků internetové reklamy a formou elektronické komunikace sloužící k zasílání personalizovaných nabídkových e mailů, cílené reklamy a dalších obchodních sdělení prostřednictvím elektronických prostředků dle zákona č. 480/2004 Sb., o některých službách informační společnosti, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
8. Cookies
A cookie is a small text file that after visiting our website asking for it to be able to be downloaded to a personal computer, smart phone, tablet or other device, which is used to access the website. This file is possible at any time to clear or in the browser the use of cookies completely disable it. Cookies are used to record internet traffic, and include identify which pages are being used, which products are the user viewed, time spent viewing and remembering users ' preferences. This helps us analyse data about visits to the site to improve the user experience of the website.
1 Introductory provisions
1.1 V souladu s ustanovením §1751 odst.1 zák. č. 89/2012 Sb. (občanský zákoník) v platném znění vydává společnost Beast of the East. tyto obchodní podmínky, jež jsou nedílnou součástí kupní smlouvy uzavřené mezi Beast of the East se sídlem Jagellonská 2149/8, 130 00 Praha 3, IČO: 06879918, zapsané v obchodním rejstříku vedeném Městským soudem v Praze (dále jen “prodávající”) na straně jedné a “kupujícím” na straně druhé.
1.2 the Buyer is a natural or legal person, which concludes with the seller the contract of purchase through an online store located on the internet at www.beastoftheeast.cz (hereinafter referred to as “e-shop”).
1.3 the Buyer the conclusion of the purchase contract confirms that he is familiar with the full text of these terms and conditions, that means all its terms and that they fully agree.
1.4. the Seller is entitled at any time to change the text of these terms and conditions. The buyer is bound by the terms and conditions current at the time of conclusion of the purchase contract.
2 User account
2.1 On the basis of the registration of the buyer on the internet at the e-shop, the buyer may access the user interface (hereinafter “user account”), and to order goods. The buyer can also order goods without registration.
2.2 When you register and ordering goods, the buyer is obliged to provide all information truthfully and when any change in the registered data update. The data specified by the buyer in the user account and when ordering the goods are considered correct by the seller.
2.3 Access to the user account is secured by user name and password. The buyer is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access his user account.
2.4 the Buyer is not entitled to allow the use of the user account to third parties.
3 Conclusion of the purchase contract
3.1 Selecting goods from the seller's offer, and its subsequent ordering (through the completion of the order form) the buyer offered the seller a proposal for the conclusion of the purchase contract. The purchase contract between the seller and the buyer is concluded by the acceptance of this proposal, therefore, the confirmation of the order by the seller. The buyer may track the status of orders through the internet link that is sent via email at the time of the execution of the order. At the moment when the seller confirms the order, change order status from “pending” to “confirmed”. In the event that such confirmation by the seller does not occur, it is considered that the purchase contract has not been concluded.
3.2 the Order form contains a description of the goods, the price of the goods, the method and price of the goods transport and space to fill out the identification data of the buyer.
3.3 Identification data of the buyer shall, in particular, his name and surname (or business name and company registration number), address (or address of the registered office), contact phone number, email address and, where applicable the delivery address.
3.4. the Price of all goods offered on the e-shop of the seller is given including VAT and all fees with the sale of the related (with the exception of the transport prices, which is listed separately). The price of the goods is valid for the time of its publication in the seller's e-shop.
3.5 Fixed exchange rate currency CZK and EUR is the price of the goods across the board set to the value of 24:1.3.6 Condition of the validity of the order is the completion of all the formalities of the order form, including the consent to the wording of these terms and conditions.
3.7 Conclusion of the purchase contract the seller the obligation to deliver to the buyer the goods ordered and the buyer the obligation for such goods to the seller to pay the agreed price. The buyer acquires ownership of the goods upon payment of the full purchase price of the goods.
4 Payment and shipping
4.1 Methods of payment
Cenu zboží a případné náklady spojené s dodáním zboží dle kupní smlouvy může kupující uhradit prodávajícímu následujícími způsoby:
– platební kartou online prostřednictvím platební brány Stripe
– bankovním převodem na účet prodávajícího č.ú.: 670100-2218433334/6210 vedený u M-Bank. Jako variabilní symbol kupující uvede číslo objednávky. V případě, že částka odpovídající ceně zboží není připsána na účet prodávajícího do 3 dnů od zadání objednávky, objednávka je automaticky zrušena. Objednané zboží je vždy expedováno až po připsání odpovídající částky na účet prodávajícího.
– hotově v showroomu Beast of the East na adrese Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3. V případě, že kupující nevyzvedne zboží do 14 dní od obdržení potvrzení, že zboží je připraveno k vyzvednutí, objednávka je automaticky zrušena. Pokud není uvedeno jinak, případné slevy z ceny zboží poskytnuté prodávajícím kupujícímu nelze vzájemně kombinovat.
4.2 modes of transport
Together with the price of the goods is the buyer shall pay the seller the costs associated with the delivery of the goods. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the purchase price and the costs associated with the delivery of the goods.
Ways and transport prices are as follows:
– osobní vyzvednutí v obchodě Beast of the East na adrese Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3 (zdarma)
– delivery to private address (home delivery – ensures Zásilkovna HD) – CZECH republic: Czk 100; EU-member States: 240 Kč; non-EU Europe: 480 Kč; non-EU, America, Asia: 960 Czk
– delivery to the delivery location (pickup point – ensures Zásilkovna PP) – CZECH republic: Czk 60; Slovakia, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Romania: 100 Czk
Zboží je zpravidla expedováno do 7 pracovních dnů po obdržení objednávky ( ode dne připsání platby na účet). Na území ČR a Slovenska bývá zboží doručeno zpravidla do 3 pracovních dnů po odeslání. Doprava do dalších zemí EU trvá 3–6 pracovních dní.
5 Refund and exchange of goods
5.1 V souladu s ustanovením § 1829 občanského zákoníku má kupující právo ve lhůtě 14 dnů od převzetí zboží odstoupit od kupní smlouvy (dále jen “vrátit zboží”) bez udání důvodu.5.2 Kupující osobně předá nebo odešle vracené zboží zpět prodávajícímu bez zbytečného odkladu na adresu Beast of the East, Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3 a ke zboží přiloží vyplněný a podepsaný formulář. Za datum odstoupení od smlouvy se považuje datum předání nebo odeslání zboží zpět prodávajícímu nebo oznámení odstoupení od smlouvy na emailovou adresu shop@beastoftheeast.cz.
5.3 the Seller returns to the buyer without undue delay, no later than within 14 days from the withdrawal from the contract, the funds received in the value of the price of the returned goods. The seller is not obliged to return the received funds to the buyer before the returned goods receive.
5.4 the Cost of returning the goods to the seller bears in full by the buyer.
5.5 In the event that the goods before returning the visibly worn, damaged or otherwise worn, the seller has the right to returned goods decline.5.6, the Seller is entitled to, to the time of receipt of the goods by the buyer to withdraw from the purchase contract in the event of circumstances preventing him a delivery of the ordered goods to the buyer.
6 Complaint
6.1 Rights and obligations of the contracting parties relating to the rights arising from defective performance (hereinafter referred to as “claims”) are regulated by the act no. 89/2012 Coll., in particular, the provisions of § 2099 – § 2112. Specifically is governed by the Complaint procedure.
6.2 Kupující osobně předá nebo odešle reklamované zboží zpět prodávajícímu bez zbytečného odkladu na adresu Beast of the East, Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3 a ke zboží přiloží vyplněný a podepsaný formulář. Za datum reklamace se považuje datum odeslání zboží zpět prodávajícímu nebo oznámení reklamace zboží na emailovou adresu shop@beastoftheeast.cz.
6.3 On the recognition of the claims of the goods and the method of removal of the defect shall be decided by the seller. For the removal of the defect shall be the repair of the goods, the supply of new goods without defects, supply the missing parts of the goods, a reasonable discount from the purchase price or a refund. The seller is obliged to ensure the assessment of the claim including the removal of defects in the case of its recognition within 30 days from the date of filing a claim the buyer. The seller shall inform the buyer of the result of the claim goods by phone or by email and agree with him on next steps.
6.4 In the event that the buyer will deliver the goods to the complaint not cleaned and hygienically unsatisfactory, the seller has the right to not accept.
6.5 the Costs associated with the claims of the goods borne in full by the buyer.
6.6 Kupující bere na vědomí, že vzhledem k delikátním vlastnostem použitých materiálů a jejich specifickým požadavkům na údržbu je při použití a údržbě zboží zapotřebí dodržovat pokyny spojené s údržbou uvedené na štítku nebo přiložených pokynech k údržbě
7 Protection of personal data (GDPR)
7.1 Protection of personal data of the buyer shall be ensured in accordance with the european regulation on the protection of personal data, or GDPR. Specific information, procedures and the rights of the buyer are itemized on a separate page devoted to the issue of the GDPR in connection with the site www.beastoftheeast.cz.
8 Závěrečná ustanovení
8.1 Veškeré vztahy těmito smluvními podmínkami neupravené se řídí příslušnými ustanoveními občanského zákoníku jakož i dalšími souvisejícími právními předpisy.
8.2 V případě, že jakékoliv ustanovení těchto obchodních podmínek bude shledáno nezákonným či neplatným, nebude tím dotčena platnost respektive účinnost ostatních ustanovení těchto obchodních podmínek.
8.3 Veškerá ujednání mezi prodávajícím a kupujícím obsažená v kupní smlouvě, mají přednost před ustanoveními těchto smluvních podmínek, se kterými jsou v rozporu.
8.4 Ustanovení obchodních podmínek jsou nedílnou součástí kupní smlouvy a kupující odesláním objednávky potvrzuje, že se s nimi seznámil a že s nimi souhlasí.
8.5 Kontaktní údaje prodávajícího: Alena Podzimková, Jagellonská 2149/8, 130 00 Praha 3 email: shop@beastoftheeast.cz, telefon: +420 776 859 968
V Praze dne 1. 8. 2021
Bc. Alena Jakubová, IČ: 06879918, se sídlem Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3, Česká republika (dále jen „Prodávající“), jakožto správce osobních údajů tímto informuje své zákazníky (fyzické osoby) jakožto tzv. subjekty údajů o způsobu a rozsahu zpracování osobních údajů ze strany Prodávajícího, včetně rozsahu práv subjektů údajů souvisejících se zpracováním jejich osobních údajů ze strany Prodávajícího.
1. The personal data processed by the Seller
The seller is processed in accordance with Regulation of the European parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27. April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing directive 95/46/EC (general regulation on the protection of personal data; hereinafter referred to as "Regulation") and further in accordance with the relevant national legislation in the field of personal data protection of personal data, which the Seller provides the Buyer (a natural person) as the data subject in connection with the purchase of goods or claims of the goods. The seller processes the following personal data of data subjects:
Name and surname
E-mail address
Phone number
Address of residence or delivery address
IP address
The data about the browser and device
The data relating to the underlying purchases (e. g. the type, the price of the goods, the purchase date, data on the status of the customer account)
The seller processes the following personal data only in accordance with the following purposes and to the extent and for the duration necessary for the fulfillment of these identified purposes.
2. Purpose and legal ground for the processing of personal data by the Seller
The processing of personal data is necessary for the purposes of the conclusion of the purchase contract and its subsequent implementation, the delivery of goods ordered and of the reasons for the implementation of the statutory tax obligations. In connection with the order, the Seller collects and processes personal data in the scope – name, surname, address of residence or delivery address, phone number, e-mail address. The communication of personal data is a fundamental prerequisite for the conclusion or amendment to the purchase agreement, whereby the provision of personal data serves in particular to a clear and unmistakable identification of the buyer and its contacting you for the purpose of delivery of the ordered goods. In connection with the processing of complaints processes the Seller's personal data for reasons of performance of contractual and statutory obligations of the Seller and for the purposes of its legitimate interests in case of a possible occurrence of a dispute of the claim. When dealing with complaints, the Seller collects and processes personal data in the scope – name, surname, address of residence or delivery address, phone number, e-mail address, transaction history orders.
3. The period of processing of personal data
The seller processes personal data in the event of purchase of goods in the e-shop for the implementation of the contractual relationship, for the period necessary to ensure mutual rights and obligations arising from the contract and for a period of 2 years from the date of expiry of the warranty period for the goods, for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the Seller (see above). Exposed tax documents are in accordance with section 35 of act no. 235/2004 Coll., the value added tax, as amended archived for a period of 10 years from their issue. Because of the need to document the legal ground for the issuance of tax documents, for a period of 10 years from the date of dispatch of the order by the customer archived and order.
4. Access to personal data
Personal data may be to ensure the above-described purposes next to the Seller and his employees processed also by the contracting partners of the Seller as the processor.
The seller may also be required to provide certain personal data to be transferred under applicable law, e.g. government authorities, courts, or law enforcement authorities.
5. Rights to the personal data processed by the Seller
In relation to personal data belonging to the data subject have the following rights:
The right of access to personal data – the right to request information whether certain personal data of the data subject by the Seller are processed and the right to access this personal data and to further information pursuant to art. 15 Regulation
The right to transfer data – the right to obtain personal data of the data subject and the right to transmit such data to another controller or to personal data have been transferred by the Seller directly to another controller, if technically feasible
The right to rectification – the right to request that the Seller without undue delay, corrected the inaccurate personal data of the data subject;
Right to restriction of processing – the right to request the Seller to restrict the processing of personal data, e.g. in the case of the exercise of the right to repair
The right to erasure – the right to request that the Seller of personal data without undue delay erased e.g. if the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, or has been revoked by the data subject's consent, on the basis of which personal data by the Seller processed and there is no other legal title for the processing; or if, from the Seller the personal data have been processed illegally); the Right to object – the right to request that the Seller stopped to process the personal data on the basis of the legitimate interest of the data subject
The right at any time withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data, if the processing is based on consent
A right turn with a complaint to the Office for the protection of personal data.
6. Contact The Seller
V případě jakéhokoli dotazu ke zpracování osobních údajů či uplatnění výše uvedených práv je Kupující oprávněn kontaktovat Prodávající písemně na adrese Alena Jakubová, Jagellonská 8, 130 00 Praha 3, Česká republika nebo e-mailem na adrese shop@beastoftheeast.cz
7. Processing the data of customers on the basis of the consent for marketing and business purposes
V případě, že udělíte souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů pro marketingové a obchodní účely, budou Vaše osobní údaje zpracovávány v rozsahu – jméno, příjmení, e-mailová adresa, IP adresa, údaje získané ze souborů cookies, údaje týkající se uskutečněných nákupů, údaje o prohlížeči a zařízení a případně jiné online identifikátory, a to primárně za účelem vytvoření vhodné nabídky zboží a v souvislosti s oslovením zákazníka, a to prostřednictvím prostředků internetové reklamy a formou elektronické komunikace sloužící k zasílání personalizovaných nabídkových e mailů, cílené reklamy a dalších obchodních sdělení prostřednictvím elektronických prostředků dle zákona č. 480/2004 Sb., o některých službách informační společnosti, ve znění pozdějších předpisů.
8. Cookies
A cookie is a small text file that after visiting our website asking for it to be able to be downloaded to a personal computer, smart phone, tablet or other device, which is used to access the website. This file is possible at any time to clear or in the browser the use of cookies completely disable it. Cookies are used to record internet traffic, and include identify which pages are being used, which products are the user viewed, time spent viewing and remembering users ' preferences. This helps us analyse data about visits to the site to improve the user experience of the website.
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